Legal-Ease International News

    How did a Professional with a law degree become interested in Printmaking Paper? Well, its a unique form of Art, and visiting Mexico and working here as often as I do with Legal-Ease International, it has become a passion of mine. As I love ” language”, Printmaking is a visual language that expresses politics, religion, beauty and history. After visiting the The Museo Nacional de la Estampa (MUNAE), the national printmaking and graphic
Dena Falken and Legal-Ease International Institution By The Los Angelers on July 3, 2023 In the legal vocabulary educational institution, one name stands tall and represents excellence and expertise: Dena Falken Esq. A visionary entrepreneur and an advocate for improved legal communication, she founded Legal Ease International, a worldwide institution dedicated to teaching legal vocabulary. The journey of establishing this global institution has been nothing short of remarkable, with numerous hurdles and challenges that make
  USD, University of San Diego is a fabulous law school! LL.M program is top notch For more information contact  
Introducción La Maestría en Derecho es un posgrado de derecho de Estados Unidos con materias enfocadas en la práctica de las técnicas de litigación oral dirigida a abogados y abogadas de América Latina involucrados en la implementación de Juicios Orales en materias penales y civiles. Los cursos se imparten totalmente en español y en modalidad online, empezando en el verano 2023. Información General Programa virtual con la posibilidad de venir dos semanas a San Diego,
        Its Sunday, and chances are Entrepreneurs are working! Only us Entrepreneurs understand that , not civil servants..SP They are paid to be robotic idiots   We are out there working hard,,so to all of you..happy Sunday Legal-Ease International The World Leader in Legal English REGISTERED! 🙂
Legal English is a unique language used in legal documents. Lawyers tend to speak and write with unique terms and idioms. This is spoken and written. One wrong word can change the entire meaning of a legal document. Legal Words are instruments used in the Legal Profession. For more information on Legal Language contact
It has come to our attention that one lady/person believes that Legal-Ease International teaches procedure. Obviously we all know that “Procedure” needs to be clarified and specific. There is no ” procedure”. It must be a TYPE of procedure such as Civil procedure, Criminal procedure etc. This thing does not understand. We provide words, not LAW. We do not teach law, strategy or adice All intelligent students understand that, needed to clarify for this thing.
  Who protects the lawyers? Diana Smith was a well-respected US lawyer who had worked in the legal profession for over twenty years. She was a successful and respected member of the bar, having been involved in some high-profile cases. But despite her success and hard work, Dianas career ended abruptly when a Canadian man falsely reported her to the bar. Diana felt helpless and frustrated, and her story needed to be told. This is
As the New Year is well underway we pursue excellent in our Seminars, and all that we do!   Wishing a great start to all!