Legal-Ease International News

A very ridiculous and FALSE comment was made that Legal English and Procedure go together. It is a shame that evil people lurk and have to be corrected. This is not true. Procedure is law. We do not teach that at all WORDS are not law. Read a book! Se hizo um comentario muy ridiculo y FALSO de que Ingles Juridico y Procedimiento van juntos. Es una verguenza que la gente malvada este al acecho
    Teaching Translation with Legal-Ease International The World Leader in Legal English   Translation is an art. Legal-Ease International understands that and teaches translators the World Over. The law is a collection of principles expressed by Words. Either spoken or written but the words, the precise language is the dress.   Teaching translation and interpretation takes creativity. A teacher needs to be able to excite students about the process and prospects, of translating
Visit our SEMINAR page at Legal-Ease International for our new Seminar schedule. We will be in new markets……  

Have a great weekend from all of us at Legal-Ease International The WORLD LEADER IN LEGAL ENGLISH  
STRENGTH comes from within… #strength #strenghtofawoman You could strip me of everything I have, I will walk away with a smile and GOT GET IT AGAIN. Its not on me, its in me Dena Falken Esq.

Most of the positive changes that we can see is in the work of entrepreneurs. They research the needs of people and take the risk to provide them with the best solution. Entrepreneurs are individuals who are committed to working on their projects even if they fail multiple times. The dedication and love they put toward making something meaningful for others are remarkable. Meet Dena Falken, an entrepreneur  thought leader, and motivational speaker. She is

We know what we think of when we hear Martha, Jeff, Elon…one name says it all. They need no introduction. Dena , in the world of Legal language professionals….is enough as well. To become successful in a career many people depend on the jobs that are already existing. There are also people who never worry about finding work and often start something unique that revolutionizes the industry. This is the case with Dena Falken .It
Two industry leaders Partner to bring you fascinating ebooks on Paper from around the World Takach Paper International and Legal-Ease International have come together to produce information on the History of Paper and different cultures! Interesting summer reads! Order at Learn about Italian Paper, Mexican Paper, Japanese and Thai Start your summer reading today!      
Legal-Ease International wishes everyone a Happy Safe Memorial Day. Thank you for our Fallen who served our country. We honor you today and every day. God Bless the USA #MemorialDay #Words #love  
Some words for your Sunday   Advocate, Victim:  Defensor de las Victimas Affidadivit: Declaracion jurada por escrito afidavit Aforementioned: mencionado, citado, prescotadp Aforethought: Con premeditacion, deliberado Alien : Extranjero   Carefully match CONCEPT to CONCEPT not word for word For more information contact Legal – Ease International The World Leader in Legal English