Legal-Ease International News

Need to find a word or term? Visit the Legal-Ease International online DICTIONARY An easy way to find a word quickly….    We are also here to help at Legal-Ease International the World Leader in Legal English
Legal-Ease International trains translators the World over Todays Word for our Translators and Clients in Spain, Mexico, Central America and South America is RIGHT A RIGHT is a legally enforceable claim held by someone In Spanish a RIGHT is translated into Un Derecho Legal For more information on our Live and Online Seminars visit us at or email Legal-Ease International, the World Leader in Legal English
Layperson (n.): a non-expert, so in this case, someone who has no specialist knowledge of the law.
Do you need a new dictionary? Spanish – English Legal Terms? Legal-Spanish Legal Terms? Take a look at our new book store online at Take your pick…we’ll ship it right to your door!  
USD Graduate Tax Program Ranks in Top-10…Again!…/2023-us-news-tax-rankings… As announced on TaxProf Blog, U.S. News Tax Rankings placed USD’s Graduate Tax program in the top-10 for 2023. USD Tax Law LLM was ranked #8 among a very elite cohort. We encourage you to check out the most widely-recognized LLM in Taxation program in the West!
Law dictionaries and special language books are available at Take a look at some of our unique books Legal-Ease International The World Leader in Legal English  
Legal-Ease International has a new Directory of Lawyers, translators and Professionals. See our new Directory at register to be seen  
Legal-Ease International, Founded by Dena Falken is a global company that trains foreign professionals how to talk the ” Legal Talk”   Legal-Ease International, Founded by Dena Falken is a global company that trains foreign professionals how to talk the ” Legal Talk”   Tell me a little bit about your business and how you ended up starting Legal-Ease International I don’t believe I actually chose it, it chose me. That’s how powerful an idea

Legal-Ease International, Founded by Dena Falken is a global company that trains foreign professionals how to talk the ” Legal Talk”