Legal-Ease International News

Online Student happy to be taking the Legal-Ease Seminar online. Legal English Dictionary is included Legal-Ease International now has more Foreign Law Books and dictionaries then ever!We ship straight to your home or businessTake a look today!
Visit Select from Legal Dictionaries, and Course materials. Something for all the translators and lawyers out there!
Legal-Ease International, The World Leader in Legal English www.legalenglish.comThe Art of Decision Making By Dena Falken            Decision making is a process based on identifying decisions, gathering information and evaluating alternative solutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more informed and thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. This approach increases the likelihood of choosing the most satisfying alternative. Decision making is about facing a question like “to be or not to
Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASELegal-Ease International Inc Receives 2022 New York AwardNew York Award Program Honors the Achievement of Legal-Ease InternationalNEW YORK January 14, 2022 — Legal-Ease International Inc has been selected for the 2022 New York Award in the Business Services category by the New York Award Program.Each year, the New York Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies
Dena FalkenLegal-Ease International The World Leader in Legal EnglishEn un mundo donde la tecnología está profundamente integrada en nuestras vidas, necesitamos encontrar formas de aprovecharla a nuestro favor. La tecnología está cambiando la forma en que las personas se comunican, especialmente cuando se trata de lenguajes legales. Por lo tanto, puede ser extremadamente útil cuando deba aprender inglés legal si pertenece a la industria del derecho. Los abogados son como Pillars y muchos otros a
Legal Translation PointsLegal translation requires precise knowledge and experience to understand relevant legal terminology. It is critical that the translator have a base in Legal language. Translating is not necessarily word for word but concept by concept.The translator needs a base in idioms, syntax and punctuation. Every document must be perfect and reflect total accuracy from the original work.A wrong word can change the entire meaning of a sentence or documentA Legal English Seminar with
Visit our Dictionary online at www.legalenglish.comA few Spanish Legal Terms and English Legal Terms abeyance (in) – pendienteabrupt – repentino; precipitado; áspero; (escarpado)abruptly – de repente; bruscamenteaccesory – cómpliceaccessory after the fact – encubridoraccesssory before the fact – cómplice instigadoraccomplice – cómpliceaccurate – preciso; exacto; correcto; cierto; verdaderoaccuse – acusaraccused, defendant – acusadoacquire title to – adquirir títuloacquit – absolveracquittal – absoluciónactually – en realidad, realmenteaddict (the) – adicto, la persona adicta al uso de
Legal-Ease Seminars/ The World Leader in Legal English Dena FalkenLegal-Ease International Inc, the World Leader in Legal English® has developed an online course for the working professional. Now you can “attend” a course at anytime from anywhere. Legal-Ease International’s online course enables student centered teaching, is accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and allows for individualized instruction and mastery.It focuses on general legal vocabulary related to the US legal system and law,
  Abuse from ClientsWhat exactly do lawyers do and what happens when the limits are pushed?By Dena Falken            Lawyers are people trained in legal aspects that can represent clients in court; often referred to as a lawyer or solicitor may perform a number of roles, depending on the circumstances. As lawyers, lawyers can represent any party in criminal and civil matters, present evidence and defend themselves in court in support of their client; this arena of
Legal-Ease InternationalThe World Leader in Legal WHY I CHOSE TEACHINGBy Dena FalkenTeaching can be defined as the involvement of students that allows them to understand and apply knowledge, concepts and processes. … Teaching is basically the creation of pedagogical, social and ethical conditions under which students undertake to take control of their learning, individually and collectively.The Joy Of Being A TeacherTeachers always have one more thing to do. He spends his days presenting lessons, creating