Legal-Ease International News
February 16, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
Visit our book store at have a new book available. If you love Mexico and the beautiful vibrant colors that is used in decorations, holidays and more…you will enjoy reading about this!Combine the beauty of Mexico with the magic of history and Paper making…and you will be delighted.Legal-Ease International The World Leader in Legal English
February 14, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
Happy Valentines Day
February 14, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
by Dena FalkenHISTORY OF PAPER IN SPAINAs I travel with Legal-Ease International I get to see many countries and learn so many interesting things. I love Paper, always have and find the papers around the world fascinating. Before the existence of paper as we know it, people communicated through pictures and symbols carved into the bark of trees, painted on the walls of caves and marked on papyrus or clay tablets. About 2,000 years ago,
Tags: Dena Falken
February 11, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
Directory of Legal ProfessionalsList your professional information on the Legal-Ease International Directory of Legal Professionals.Translators, lawyers, court reporters and more…can connect with new clients from around the Worldwww.legalenglish.comlLegal-Ease International, The World Leader in Legal English, offers a Directory for Professionals
February 10, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
Legal-Ease International now has more Legal English language books and Dictionaries available on its new website!Visit and see what we have to offer you!Visit us today
February 9, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
Traditional Mexican cut paper decorationPapel Picado by Dena FalkenWith every Legal-Ease International Seminar in Mexico I get to experience and learn more about the beautiful paper in Mexico. Papel picado (“perforated paper,” “pecked paper”) is a decorative craft made by cutting intricate patterns into handkerchief sheets. Papel picado is considered Mexican folk art. Designs are usually cut from up to 40-50 colored handkerchiefs stacked on top of each other and using a guide or template,
February 8, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
by Dena FalkenHISTORY OF PAPERS IN MEXICO The first printing press in America began in Mexico in 1539, but the first paper, Gaceta de México, was not published until 1722. For six months monthly reports of trade and society circulated. In 1805, Diario de México became the first papers in New Spain. In December 1810, Miguel Hidalgo produced El Despertador Americano in Guadalajara and published nine issues. Soon, despite censorship by the vice royal government,
Tags: Dena Falken
February 5, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
by Dena FalkenITALIAN PAPER HISTORY Having a rich culture and even richer food, Paper is one of the best things to buy in Italy. Italy is rich in unique treasures, from cutting-edge fashion and design to cutting-edge craftsmanship, a refreshing change from the anonymity of chain stores, while steeped in history and tradition that often stretches back centuries. After Spain, Italy was the place where paper production began in Europe. The technique was introduced to
January 29, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
By Dena Falken Legal-Ease International, The World Leader in Legal EnglishTRANSLATION OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS by Dena FalkenWhat Is A Legal Document? A legal document is generally a document in which two or more parties enter into an agreement and which is finally confirmed by their signature. The term legal documents have a very broad concept in terms of documents required for disclosure and court. Often in a particular case, the court will have to decide
January 28, 2022
Posted by legalenglish-admin
The World Leader in Legal