by Dena Falken
More and more women think that self-employment is an attractive career option and have decided to start their own business. Accessing support tailored to your needs, talking to other businesswomen at different stages of the business journey, learning from role models, and working with a mentor can help you develop your business idea and identify strategies for future growth. Women into Business events are organized by various local Business Gateway offices. They give you the opportunity to share ideas with other local entrepreneurs and improve your business skills.
Traditionally, women haven’t worked as well in the workplace as men, with most women earning just three-quarters of what their male counterparts earn — but that’s only half the story. Over the past 20 years, more women have decided to start their own businesses than ever before, outpacing men and doing well. The reality is that women can and should have a big presence in the business world.
- Why More Women In Business Are Better
The great advantage that women bring to business, and especially to management, is that they have a different life and work experiences than men and, therefore, different perspectives. This leads to different opinions, different preferences and different strategies. This diversity, in turn, makes decision-making more dimensional and therefore more complex. Employment with at least one member generally takes longer to get the green light than male-only committees. This is because women are more at risk and are more strategic than men. While this trend can lead to fewer and/or fewer purchases, it also allows for more prudent and informed decisions.
- Times Change – Somehow
The trend for women in business is growing. It is led by women who are determined to “give away” and get into big business, millennial who want to define their own careers, and many more entrepreneurs. Mentoring programs are helping to attract women more than ever. At the same time, women are getting together and creating their own networks, conferences and meetings – but they still have work to do. Women who want to start a business or expand an existing business have fewer financing options and generally earn less than men, even if they have the same degree and education.
Women must be taken seriously in business, whether they are managers or entrepreneurs. They can bring different perspectives to the celebrity table and are often more strategic. This trend can lead to greater risk aversion in acquisitions, but it also leads to greater valuation success in the early stages, when more calculated moves have the greatest impact. Achieving equality in the workplace will take time, but women in the workplace are a trend that can and must grow.
- Women in Business – A Game About Wonder Woman
“The only difference between a man and a woman climbing the ladder of success is that a woman is expected to put it in her closet when she’s done,” said American artist Barbara Dale. So it’s surprising that a busy woman (and we mean someone who has a job outside the home) is actually a Wonder Woman! Isn’t it remarkable that women control over nine million businesses, which contribute nearly $4 trillion to the economy? You have to ask yourself, what the hell is he like? From the beginning, women in business were very polite. Read all about business leadership and you’ll find that the same group of men are in the cast. “Women” as thrifty creatures! Certainly not! Even so, 90% of Americans will need to support themselves financially at some point in their lives.
More than half of the jobs created since 1992 can be attributed to women entrepreneurs who own the companies that employ them. According to a study from some time ago, the glass ceiling, which undoubtedly exists in the corporate world, is not the only reason why more and more women are doing business. The boredom that comes with paid work, along with the work environment that often stifles creativity, has a lot to do with it. The chairwoman of the organization, which deals with the problems women face at work, said that entrepreneurship is not something that women do to “feel good”; their reasons are based on constant reality. And that’s why they are as successful as men. Programs such as Women’s “Brain” – Storming On The Playground (TM) offer women entrepreneurs a platform to share their motivations and experiences with like-minded people.
However, few would deny that there are fundamental differences between men and women at work. Men are good at creating and following a hierarchy from top to bottom and letting people know who the boss is. Women, on the other hand, form horizontal networks and believe in promoting relationships. Men will focus on business goals, or they will exclude everything else, and they will resort to logical thinking when making decisions. Women in business use a variety of techniques and attach more importance to a process or means than to goals. While men defend individual rights and privileges, women do so less often and prefer to follow the group’s views. However, men are very good at mentoring and passing on their knowledge to younger or less experienced people, but it is rare for women at work to mentor other people, especially other women.
This, of course, can be explained in part by the fact that women are more concerned with satisfying their affiliate needs than satisfying their desire for power or money. It is no surprise that they highlight more benefits such as flexible working hours, childcare and pensions. And for those who wonder how women in business can be good “entrepreneurs,” we want to present a surprising fact: women’s-owned companies have outpaced overall business growth more than twice as fast. If there are still skeptics, we have to quote Barbara Dale once again. “I’m a worker. I run the house. I have a job. I’m crazy.”
- Key Challenges Women Face In Business
More and more women are starting a business, but they are still facing the challenges of doing business. The number of businesswomen is increasing. Despite the positive results, women are struggling to survive in the business environment because of the challenges they face.
Key challenges women face in business
- Limited Financing
Not all entrepreneurs are lucky to have an investor or financier for their business. Some have to start their own business, rely on credit cards or raise capital themselves. Women’s companies are among the most important companies without financial support. It is also common for women to have no loans due to cultural and gender bias – many institutions tend to fund male-owned businesses.
- Balancing Responsibilities
Many women are not just businesswomen or professionals – they have families, husbands and other responsibilities. Demands for personal and professional commitments can put pressure on a woman to leave society or her family. The family expects her to be a mother and wife, while society asks her to be a leader and show devotion. Those who lack social support find it more difficult because they have to bear the whole burden themselves. Some women may balance these two spheres of their lives, while others are overwhelmed.
- Fear of Failure
Making or doing business is risky and involves unforeseen circumstances. Never be afraid to fail; you will never try if you are afraid of failing. Nobody enters the business with a guarantee of success. Fear of the known and the unknown is a big problem for women. They fear failure, especially if those around them are skeptical about their business abilities. This fear is poisonous and dangerous because women can end up in a place of fear instead of self-confidence. As a result, they will not succeed in business, even if they do.
- Insufficient Support System
What would women achieve if they had the perfect support system? Problems or failures in the business can be due to the lack of an adequate support system. There is no human island in the business world. Women often have greater difficulties in getting support, ranging from the lack of relevant connections to the need for a financial approach or emotional support. They also need mentors and sponsors to guide them on this new path. The support system is often expensive and forces women to delay starting a business.
- Gender Inequality
What do you need to know about gender inequality? Laws, cultures, religions and policies are built on a patriarchal foundation. Women have to travel through men’s world, faced with stigma and discrimination. While laws and policies have tried to create a favorable business environment for all, no real changes have yet been made. Gender investing, which refers to strategies that address gender differences and/or analyze gender issues to shed light on investment decisions, is growing in popularity.
- Limited Knowledge
Women’s empowerment is just the beginning of a long road to business success. Life is a daily learning process that produces new information every day. Unfortunately, women’s access to this information and new knowledge is limited. While this may be due to a competitive environment, women take additional steps and seek relevant and practical information.
- Adverse Business Environment
Problems faced by women include less established business networks and social and traditional constraints that limit women’s participation in business. Religion prevents women from having a job. In some countries, women may be forced to have a male partner who negotiates, negotiates and is the face of human trafficking. Despite these challenges, the business world is gradually embracing the skills and contributions of women.
- Shyness
Women who try to succeed are often embarrassed to brag about their achievements. They fear being labeled proud. Humility is not shyness or embarrassment. Women need to defend their success and make it known to those around them.
“Believe in yourself and maintain your success.” – Sheryl Sandberg
Owning your success as a woman motivates you to work harder and accomplish more in your business. This inspires the people around you. Sheryl Sandberg inspired women to go out and sit in corporate conference rooms. Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama are among those who have motivated other women to work towards their entrepreneurial dream. Trust is an essential part of prosperity and growth. When one woman leads, others follow.
Conclusion Looking at the above challenges, women entrepreneurship is certainly a sturdy road to be travelled by women where they have to prove themselves. With many obstacles along the way, today’s woman is brave enough to stand out from the crowd and be an example to others. Her vintage image of woman as holy domestic cow is lifted up. It is up to us, citizens of the country, to respect and adore it in a way that balances personal and business.