Women in International Business
Dena Falken CEO and Founder of Legal-Ease International trains Foreign Legal Professionals to talk the Legal Talk

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Dena Falken, is the CEO and founder of Legal-Ease International, the World Leader in Legal English. Legal-Ease International is an International company that focuses on the language of the law for Foreign lawyers, students, translators and other professionals.
In this exclusive interview, Dena Falken shares her diverse skill-set and professional background and aims to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs to take the leap and build the business they envision.
Tell me a little bit about your business and how you ended up starting Legal-Ease International
I actually did not choose it, It chose me. I graduated law school in Washington D.C. and after worked for a law firm in Milan, Italy to gain experience. I was always interested in International affairs, laws and International relations. While there, I began consulting with lawyers who were trying to write contracts in Legal English. I soon saw that even though they spoke English, Legal English was a different language completely.
I saw a need. Not to learn law, but the language of the law. Legal-Ease International Inc was born.
I knew that there was a need for this and I was determined to fill it. First we needed a name, a logo, a book to use to teach…. I went to work putting Seminar materials together. Found a room to teach the Seminar in and began to market in, with no money. Its amazing what creativity arises out of no capital. Soon….the room was filled. “ Find a need and fill it” is absolutely true.
I saw it first hand. It was a thrill to see my idea implemented and start something that was not in existence before, in a foreign country no less.
Dena Falken CEO and Founder of Legal-Ease International Inc.
What is Legal-Ease International all about?
We provide Legal English to the Foreign Speaker. We do this via Live Seminars and Online Seminars.
Another need was to have Legal Forms easily available for our clients. We soon filled this need by creating a phenomenal Software program. This gives our clients Worldwide every form they need in English or Spanish right at their finger tips, Search, modify, print. Its that easy. No tech skills required.
Legal -Ease Software 3.2
We focus on the distinctions between the Language of the law and English. Translations are important to focus on. It may seem for instance that a word in Spanish, or Italian sounds like the word in English, yet when translated it has an entirely different meaning. We focus on Concepts.
Another unique feature is that we go to our Clients, so our live courses are in their home cities. This reduced the need to travel and expenses. We bring all the materials.
What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?
Drive – You have to believe in what you are doing. There are so challenges and obstacles. If you do not believe 100 per cent in what you are providing, it is easy to falter. Think higher up, see the big picture.
Focus – Entreptreneurs will hear all the reasons why the idea cant work. The worst is “ get a job”
It is a job and more so. It’s a 24/7 commitment.
Love it – Love what you do. If you love it you don’t consider yourself working. Its an extension of your soul. I love the idea of providing our services to countries that are entering the world stage. Knowledge of Legal English from Legal-Ease International will enable them to write documents with certainty. This will enable them to get more clients. I love that feeling of service and teaching.
Dena Falken CEO & Founder of Legal-Ease International
What would you say was the most memorable experience in the entire process? What would you say was the most memorable experience you have had?
Oh, good question. There are so many…wait till my memoirs come out…haha, I would say the first day, when I really had no money. A room reserved for the Class, no students. And then…BOOM, three lawyers in Italy, registered. It was euphoric. Everything changed…it BEGAN. Legal-Ease International was a reality. I will never forget that moment when I heard, “we will send three.” Pure joy and an awareness that I could do this! It works! My dreams were a reality.
Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?
Technology has developed of course since we started Legal-Ease International 25 years ago.
Clients of course are the best… and now we can atake advantage of all the social media platforms available to reach our clients.
Which service are you most proud of?
My live Seminars. There is magic in teaching a foreign lawyer, student, or translator who did not know something coming in and has mastered it coming out. It’s extremely satisfying.
Dena Falken CEO & Founder of Legal-Ease International Inc.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
Capital. Pure and simple. We started with a service business so we did not need a factory or goods production. Eating is always nice, and so you always have to have some funds available.
If you started your business again, what things would you do differently?
I would have a safety net. However, while that would have made my personal experience more comfortable, it does not always help the business. Starvation is a great motivator. When something simply HAS to work, the entrepreneur will find a way to make that happen. I certainly did. The word “ no” simply was not an option. With no fall back, you can only fall forward. Creativity kicks in and I found that the human spirit has infinite ways to supply a great and needed idea. I swear by that and I demonstrated that myself.
Money up front, a fall back can be very detrimental.
And how do you differentiate yourself from competitors?
We are the World Leader in Legal English. I created this industry when there was no competition. We go directly to the country of our clients. This eliminates the need for them to travel and reduces expenses. All our trainers are U.S. lawyers giving us knowledge of the language of the law. We speak several languages. We are the first and foremost and most prestigious. Legal-Ease International is in a league of its own. The one, the only, the original…the best!
Dena Falken CEO and Founder of Legal -Ease InternationalPrevious Post