Ways to Fund your Graduate Studies
A difficult problem for many lawyers contemplating an LL.M. graduate program in the United States, is how to afford the the costs of studying in a graduate law program for a summer or even one year. There are indeed some sources of funding and the prospecitive student just needs to research them. Many LLM students combine their own financial means (savings, family assistance, etc.) with other sources of funding. There are however loans, grants and other resources available.
Some banks do offer loans to foreign students. It is important to note that the terms, conditions, and rates that apply to these loans will vary to some degree. Some loans, such as Stafford Loans in the United States or Career Development Loans in the United Kingdom, can be subsidized by the government if one can show financial need or eligibility for government assistance.
Law Schools
Law schools also frequently offer different kinds of scholarships and grants to some of their top LL.M. applicants. It is always a good idea to establish contact with the financial aid offices of law schools when they are available. Some law schools such as Emory University in Atlanta, GA offer scholarships.
Check out the law schools in the Legal-Ease International, Inc. directory. Click on the webpages that are linked to each school. See if they have scholarhships that are applicable for you or call or email their offices!! All are excellent programs.
Grants & Scholarships
Another way to seek financial support is to research what kinds of grants or scholarships may possibly be available from governments and private foundations. These are awards that do not have to be repaid. Merit-based scholarships for LL.M. programs are awards given to applicants who can demonstrate exceptional professional and or academic skills on their record, and who show potential for great success in the future. These are very competitive.
Scholarships may also be available on the basis of culture or religion. Your potential law school may be able to help you research these.
The best suggestion is always to contact the schools you are interested in! They will be able to assist you the best.
Fulbright Scholarships
The Fulbright program, sponsored by the US government, is active in more than 155 countries around the world. There is a difference between a Fulbright foreign student and a Fulbright foreign scholar. While the former is for graduate students, young professionals, and artists who would like to study in the US, the latter enables college and university faculty members with a Ph.D. to teach and conduct research in the US. Therefore, you should seek information for Fulbright students. Fulbright scholarships are very competitive and awards are based on your academic and professional profile. You can find information about eligibility and the application process organized by country on the official Fulbright program webpage.
Financial Aid from Your Law School
You should certainly ask for financial aid at the law schools to which you are applying. Some law schools don’t have any offerings for international LLM students, however others do and some are rather generous. It is always worth asking, but you should have a backup plan.
Other Sites to Review for Funding Options